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Torup - A Unique Village

Torup - A Unique Village

Is exciting architecture, organic food, sustainability and art your thing? Then perhaps a visit to Torup might interest you. It is a chance to experience a small village unlike anything else.


Torup village is situated halfway between Frederiksværk and Hundested by the train station Dyssekilde. The local train runs every thirty minutes. You can bring your bike or rent a Halsnæs-bike at the station.


Torup is a unique little village with whimsical houses in the organic community Dyssekilde; antiquarian books at Dyssekilde Station in Torup Bogby; Torup market  which is open every other Saturday during the summer season and offers several delicious local produce from farmers, brewers and soap makers and more; a little private school and kindergarten; a church and in Kældergalleriet (the Basement Gallery) under the local supermarket, you can experience both guest and local works of art. 


Sidst ændret:

mandag, 20. marts, 2023 - 10:04