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Dyssekilde - The Eco-Village

Dyssekilde - The Eco-Village

Since the early nineties when the place was just a potato field, the people of Dyssekilde eco-village have built a vibrant community where they live and work focusing on social interaction, tolerance, respect, sustainability and ecology. 


The village is built exclusively from organic materials and produes its own energy.


  Dyssekilde eco-village houses more than 150 people today from the age of 0-90. They have a number of communal initiatives that help ensure a high level of sustainability such as: a windmill, joint laundry, shared geothermal heating system, joint vegetable gardens, shared waste management etc.

In addition to this, the village also has an organic café and their own health food shop. 


The village houses many artists and creative souls, and acts as a dynamo for the cultural and artistic output in the area. 


From March through October they offer guided tours of the village where you will get knowledge of how the houses were built and heated, how it all started and later developed into the eco-village it is today. 


This is a unique and inspiring place, so remember to pay Dyssekilde a visit.


Sidst ændret:

mandag, 20. marts, 2023 - 10:04